With more guests now starting to arrive and still plenty of jobs to do life at the obs is feeling more and more busy.
The first section of the shearwater productivity survey is just about complete
The ringing of resident and migrant birds is still taking place (spotted flycatcher below)
Including the start of sea bird ringing (Ben with a shag)
Steve ringing pied wagtail nestlings

The occasional dip in the pond (unintentional)
The start of the bardsey gym
Glorious sunshine
Vegetation in net rides to attack
A spot of free time for bardsey golf
One special period this month was the start of our "Magic of Bardsey" week. A course designed to introduce people to the flora and fauna, history and going's on on Bardsey island.
Bob showing some of our course goers the interesting ferns that grow on bardsey
Procuring a usb endoscope for our computers allowed us to show the goings on in some of our shearwater burrows on the island to the delight of our guests
Shearwater incubating an egg in a burrow
Boat trips to see the sea bird colonies on the east side of the island
A fully catered week with some fantastic food (cant remember what this is but it was awesome)
We even had the time to arrange an earthquake measuring 3.8 on the richter scale to top the week off.
Luckily I was on hand catch the lighthouse as it toppled and return it too its original standing...............................I may have embellished this slightly......
It was a fantastic week to introduce people to Bardsey and its wildlife, we hope they all thoroughly enjoyed their time.